Helping you navigate the world of medical device regulation
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How RegMetrics can help you
RegMetrics helps you navigate the world of medical device regulation.
Classify your medical device efficiently
Identify your safety and performance requirements
Retrieve your specific standards and relevant test houses
RegMetrics will provide you with suggested standards specific for your device and test centres that can help you test your devices according to the requirements
Hear it from our users
RegMetrics is helpful when scoping grant submission activities, de-risking the proposal and ensuring sufficient budgetary requirements. RegMetrics also helped us with our regulatory strategy and I would recommend using the tool.
I have spent thousands of dollars on regulatory advice and I did not understand any of it, just with this [training] session and using RegMetrics, I understand it much better.
RegMetrics is the only tool that tells you what class of medical device you are working on and why. The "why" is very helpful for founders, as it gives them confidence and insight into medical device classification.
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BLOG: Introducing our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Do you have a question about medical device regulation?
BLOG: Can RegMetrics help Academics?
A partnership with RegMetrics has meant that University College London (UCL) now has the toolkit to make the regulatory strategy a simpler process. Helen Cooksley, a Tra…
BLOG: Device classification - The first step of your regulatory strategy
If you are developing a device, you may find yourself wondering, how do I know if it is a medical device? If you are unsure, use the RegMetrics software and see if your …